Sunday, August 17, 2008

Pawn Shops

I really don't like Pawn Shops. They make a living ripping you off. I just walked through one hoping to find some sweet gun deals.

A used Glock w/2 mags and case for $480? Are you kidding me? And it was definately used. I'm not even going to waste my time haggling that.....I can go down the road and they will offer me a new one for $500 if I just glance half seriously at it.

And have you ever tried selling anything at a Pawn Shop? There is virtually no point. As I sift through this mountain of Ipods, nasty guitars, and completely overpriced guns, I realize, people must really be desperate for money.

How all these people on blogs slip into pawn shops and find these amazing gun deals, I'll never know. They aren't here.

Then I realize there is perhaps one good deal there. DVD's.

I still didn't buy any.

1 comment:

Xavier said...

Here are my secrets. Every area isn't good, and all pawn shops in every area are not good. Pickings have gotten slim here lately, but it was a free for all for a couple of years after Katrina.